Lt. Jaclyn Cuevas Trosper awarded Nurse of The Month
UPDATE: 10/29/2014 Lt. Trosper returns to U.S. soil in a very emotional and heart warming reception from her family. She was due to come home sooner but was delayed after a knee injury with a complete tear in her ACL during combat training. Here is the post on facebook and video of her homecoming at the airport.
Recently we posted a story in the Petaluma Magazine about NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit hospital team that saved the life of a Romanian Soldier at Kandahar Airfield in Afghanistan. On March 30, 2014 this soldier suffered what would be fatal injuries after being struck by an IED. The blast resulted in the death of another soldier and critically wounding four others who suffered from various injuries. What interested us about this article was a #Petaluman Lt. J.C. Trosper, aka Jaclyn Cuevas Trosper, is an intensive care unit and trauma nurse who was quoted in that article. It was her team that worked to save the life of this soldier. This week Lt. Trosper received nurse of the month award by her commanding officer.
What a great article and I’m so glad Jaclyn was highlighted here.
There are so many aspects to this article that I find particularly interesting. One being that I’m currently engrossed in the story the Kite Runner which really illuminates the culture of Afghanistan. I also have two nieces who are studying to be nurses and a nephew in the process of applying to go Navy which was my father’s career.
I also have members of my family who were triathletes YEARS ago when most people didn’t know know what they were…and a daughter who is a Celiac and therefore can’t eat gluten.
I can understand why she would have a blog “Identity Undecided” because there are so many different facets of her life that she could focus on, so why not touch on them all? 🙂
As there are so many common connections/interests I’ll definitely be checking out her blog and following her on Pinterest.
The fact that P-Town produced such a wonderful person who does our community proud is just icing on the cake!