Breaking News: Quasi Modo winner of the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest!

2015 World Ugliest Dog Contest
2015 World Ugliest Dog Contestants On Stage, Photo By Ashley Collingwood

This year’s World’s Ugliest Dog ® Contest winner is none other than the very ugly, yet adorable, Quasi Modo. Quasi Modo is a 10-year-old pit-Dutch shepherd mix breed, from Loxahatchee Florida who was abandoned at an animal shelter before being taken home by one of the veterinarians. Her odd appearance is primarily due to the fact that she has multiple defects in her spine, causing her back to be too short for the rest of her body. Despite her funny appearance owner, Virginia Sayer, loves her dearly as everyone can see.  Last year’s winner Peanut was featured on the Jimmy Kimmel Show getting a much needed makeover in our post Video: #Petaluma’s Ugliest Dog Gets Makeover on Jimmy Kimmel Show that was viewed thousands of times.

Crowd Enjoying This Years World's Ugliest Dog Contest 2015
Crowd Enjoying This Years World’s Ugliest Dog Contest 2015, Photo By Ashley Collingwood

In second place is SweePee Rambo, a tiny Chinese Crescent Chihuahua with a Mohawk and doggie depends. For 15 years, SweePee used to go to work with her dad, Jason Rambo on his motorcycle until she got too old for such frequent trips.

The third place winner is first-time contestant Frodo, a Chinese Crested and Hairless Chihuahua mix. She is 12.5-year-old and has been with her family since she was 10 weeks old.

Spirit Award winner is Precious, an eight-year-old Chihuahua who lives in The judges react to seeing Quasi Modo for the first time and Nick Watt from ABC gives a standing ovationPetaluma and visits veterans at the VFW with her mom, Cathy Kennedy, who is a disabled veteran herself. Precious can even tell when Cathy’s blood sugar is low and then alert other family members.

While not all the dogs left with trophies, they are all true winners for they have found people to love and care for them dearly. In spite or because of their strange looks, these dogs are loved by all. You can see it in the faces of the judges Brian Sobel, Camilla Gray Nelson, and Nick Watt, as well as event hosts Bob and Sheri from Mix 104.9—even when they back off a bit from dogs with skin abnormalities and strange textures. Before the event, adoring crowds surrounded the dogs to take photos and give them attention.


5 thoughts on “Breaking News: Quasi Modo winner of the World’s Ugliest Dog Contest!”

  1. This is to Nick Watts…the judge! Was it, really, necessary for you to carry on the way you did over Quasi Modo, the dog who won? You ought to be ashamed the way you made fun of this dog with all his birth defects! Poor pup! Animals have feelings, whether you & the others think so or not!

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