Positively Petaluma is always looking for positive things going on in our town. Today we ran into an interview by Adam Babendir who has a presence on Facebook LoveMyLife.info . It’s his mission to inspire and motivate as many people, on a daily basis, to take action on ALL the things that make them LOVE life! Well I can’t think of anything more positive than that. But what does that have to do with Petaluma? Adam interviewed someone that has been on our radar for some time. George Utrilla The Random Artist. I met George at Zodiacs during the Taste of Petaluma. George was wearing a shirt sporting the 707. I told him he should reproduce and sell them.
Originally from Lima, Peru, George came to the U.S. at the age of 12 and graduated from Terra Linda High School. He eventually moved to Petaluma which he now calls home for his family. He has been passionate about art work for most of his life. It’s his desire to have his own Gallery in Petaluma which he calls his “home base”.