UPDATE 01/24/2016: Survivor releases “Meet Neal Gottlieb” video:
Local Entrepreneur and Owner of Petaluma Ca Three Twins Ice Cream Company, Neal Gottlieb, will cast on next Survivor Kaoh Rong.
On his CBS profile when asked Why You Think You’ll “Survive” SURVIVOR:
“I will be the provider for the group and the court jester. I will be a calming force and the one that psyches up the tribe to go into battle. I am a strong swimmer and will be a valuable hunter, fisher and gatherer for the group. I have a tireless work ethic and will contribute more than my fair share towards building a strong shelter, cooking and getting water. I am most often happy, quite witty, never complain and am generally entertaining, which will help to keep the peace during tough and stressful times. I am physically and mentally strong, I was a competitive athlete for years, I am a fast runner and sharp, so I will be strong in challenges.”
Here is the trailer for the next season of Survivor.
Very Cool! I am a Survivor junkie! Will be rooting for him!
How exciting. I love Survivor. Petaluma will be on the map once again