Did you know that our past Good Egg’s choose the next Good Egg each year? This year’s and past years Good Eggs will be featured in a special section of the Argus Courier today. So don’t forget to pick up a copy of today’s issue. Also see their recent article online It’s Time to Celebrate Butter & Egg Days Parade. Also if you missed it check out our post yesterday VIDEO: Janelle Wang NBC Bay Area Announces #Petaluma’s Butter & Egg Days . In it Janelle Wang of NBC Bay Area did a commercial on our parade calling it the Bay Area’s place to be to celebrate our areas agriculture history.
We met Steve Kemmerle at this week’s citywide marketing meeting. Wow what this guy does for our city is amazing. In the last year he has grown our veteran’s day parade now drawing over 40,000 visitors per year making it one of the largest veteran’s day parades north of golden gate (Even after the city cut future funding of this event — and the Butter & Egg Days Parade – he had to make that up with fundraising). Some things coming this year is a Korean war vets memorial. They had the Good Egg ceremony honoring Steve and the Grand Marshal this year Dr. Fred Groverman. Steve was described as being humble and I should say this was reflected in his short speech – because he said nothing about him and talked only about the Veteran’s Day parade (something he is obviously passionate about). He talked about passing veterans sometimes looking like he was going to tear up – you can tell the passion in this man’s heart to honor our country’s service men and woman. We can’t think of another person who deserves this award more. They called him the “Unsung Hero” and Kaye Chandler captured the ceremony on video so we thought we would share it with you below in case you missed it.
Also I am sure there will be a lot of information about it in the Argus Courier today (paper copy), however here is the first print of their announcements from the Petaluma Post.
Unsung Hero Honored as 2015 Good Egg Steve Kemmerle
Butter & Egg Days Parade Grand Marshal is Dr. Fred Groverman
Here is the Petaluma Good Egg Ceremony that was presented at the Petaluma Library and Museum on Saturday.