Celebrating 300 Posts!

Since launching our website mid last year, we have shared 300 positive posts about Petaluma! We only show the 10 most recent posts on our main page.  So we thought it would be helpful in sharing 4 helpful hints on how to navigate and find earlier posts.

300 is a lot to go through if you are trying to find something.  But we have made it easy and here are a few tricks can do right now to find what you are looking for on our site:

1. Use the Search Bar.  This is located on the top right next to the social media icons.  Click on the magnifying glass and a place to enter your keyword search term will appear. Simply type in any subject, in this example we are searching for any posts on the Butter & Egg Days Parade, and hit <enter> key on your keyboard.  Any post mentioning Butter & Egg Days will show up.

Positively Petaluma Search Bar

2. Use the Category drop down on the lower right sidebar.  This is great if you want to follow any one contributor or subject.  Maybe you want to read Bill Hammerman’s posts on his Our Favorite Rivertown Town. Maybe you just want to read about Petaluma food or wine.  Simply click on the drop down and click on the category to read a series of articles:

Categories on Positively Petaluma



3. Use the Archives dropdown.  Click on Positively Petaluma Archives dropdown and select which month you wish to view.  This is great if you were on vacation and unplugged in any time frame and you can choose the month and year to get caught up on posts you missed.

Positively Petaluma Archives By Month


4. Click on Older Posts button you can find after the last post on the main page. Simply click the Older Posts >> button and it will show you the next 10 most recent posts.

Older Posts Positively Petaluma

We hope that you found this information useful.  We wish to thank our followers for believing in what we are trying to do here.  We have over 150,000 views of our website since starting and it’s growing faster than ever (65% of those views just over the past 5 months).  Thanks in advance for sharing our website with your friends and family. Our best to you and have a wonderful day.