We asked Bradley “Where do you go from here?” She currently teaches English a digital media class. She also co-advises the before-school TV news program that Kenilworth students produce. Bradley tells us they are really excited about an expansion of their broadcast media classes as they are adding two full class periods that will increase the size of the enrollment from 10 to 60 students. These students will learn and participate in all the elements of media production. The recently received a grant for this program (see Petaluma student newscast expanding, thanks to grant (w/video) for more information) and are using it to expand the size of their digital/broadcast media classes. So she is looking forward to continue to build on this program in the future. Bradley says, “After 20+ years of teaching middle school English, it’s been a thrill to be able to create and teach a new elective program.”
Bradley is also an avid blogger on Teaching Between The Lines and uses that as a tool to get the word out. There are so many people voicing opinions about teaching she wants to let people know about her profession and what actually goes on in classrooms. She works for Edutopia (the George Lucas Educational Foundation) and blogs on their site as well. This is a place for her to share her strategies and thoughts about education issues. She targets her message to other educators however hopes that others outside the profession can find value in it as well.
Other related articles of interest include a past Petaluma Patch article Teacher Scraps All Classwork, Homework and Tells Students: Just Write.