VIA The Napa Valley Register.
CALISTOGA — The city of Calistoga will enter into a contract for animal control services and shelter care with a Sonoma County animal foundation instead of the Napa County Animal Shelter.
Competing for the contract were the Petaluma Animal Services Foundation (PASF), backed by the local Wine Country Animal Lovers (WCAL), and the Napa County Animal Shelter supported by the Napa County Sheriff’s Office.
The council approved the contract on Tuesday, 3-2. Mayor Chris Canning and Vice Mayor Michael Dunsford were the two “no” votes, with Councilmembers Gary Kraus, Jim Barnes and Irais Ortega-Lopez in favor of PASF.
Either organization will provide good animal services, said Calistogan veterinarian Steve Franquelin, but the Napa County Animal Shelter just isn’t at the point of reaching the “no-kill” level of animal rescue most important to him and other board members of Wine Country Animal Lovers, he said.
Click here to read the rest of this article seen in the Napa Valley Register on April 22, 2015, by By Anne Ernst