PHCD Boasts of Community Health, Wellness Achievements and Giving

Petaluma Health Care District Annual Report for 2015 shows $300,000 Worth of Support Donated to Local Organizations and a Record Number of Recognitions and Awards for the District

Garden of Eatin'
A preschooler picks vegetables grown in the Garden of Eatin’ at the North Bay Children’s Center (NBCC), a PHCD sponsorship funding recipient. NBCC provides free or low-cost high quality preschool to low income children in Southern Sonoma County

The Petaluma Health Care District (PHCD) is proud to report that over the 2014-2015 fiscal year, it contributed $300,000 in charitable funds, sponsorships and in-kind support to Southern Sonoma County nonprofit programs and services. More than $110,000 in direct funds were dispersed to improve local health services and aid prevention and wellness, youth programs, health education and housing. This total represented an additional $43,000 in direct giving from the previous year. A full report on PHCD’s fiscal year accomplishments and philanthropic support can be found here.

PHCD’s philanthropic support is generated not from community fundraising, but rather via profits earned from direct services, such as “Lifeline of the North Bay,” Healthquest Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) trainings and automated external defibrillator (AED) sales; the leasing of Petaluma Valley Hospital; rental property and investments; and grant funding.

“PHCD is honored to serve as Southern Sonoma County’s health care advocate, a role we take seriously,” said PHCD CEO Ramona Faith. “We work hard every day to identify pathways, partnerships and programs that contribute to the health awareness and wellness of the community we serve.”

Petaluma Health Care District is presented with the “Healthcare District of the Year Award” from the Association of California Healthcare Districts. Back row from left to right: David McGhee, CEO, Association of California Healthcare Districts; Elece Hempel, President, Petaluma Health Care District Board of Directors; Samuel “Mike” McCreary, Chairman, Association of California Healthcare Districts Board of Directors Front row from left to right: Josephine Thornton, Treasurer, Petaluma Health Care District Board of Directors; Ramona Faith, CEO, Petaluma Health Care District
Petaluma Health Care District is presented with the “Healthcare District of the Year Award” from the Association of California Healthcare Districts.
Back row from left to right: David McGhee, CEO, Association of California Healthcare Districts; Elece Hempel, President, Petaluma Health Care District Board of Directors; Samuel “Mike” McCreary, Chairman, Association of California Healthcare Districts Board of Directors
Front row from left to right: Josephine Thornton, Treasurer, Petaluma Health Care District Board of Directors; Ramona Faith, CEO, Petaluma Health Care District

PHCD bases its advocacy, community partnerships and giving on local community health assessments, whereby the district studies and identifies Southern Sonoma County’s most pressing health needs. PHCD delivers data-driven and solutions-oriented health promotions, illness prevention programs, and healthy lifestyle choice and social change campaigns, essential to improving health outcomes within the community’s diverse communities.

In 2015, PHCD was named the “Healthcare District of the Year” by the Association of California Healthcare Districts (ACHD). The award, given to just one out of 78 districts statewide, recognized the district’s model of convening unconventional partners across all sectors to take action and improve local health issues, and highlighted two of PHCD’s community initiatives, Community Health Initiative of the Petaluma Area (CHIPA) and HeartSafe Community (HSC).


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